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Wholesale CNC punch press, CNC punching Buy Sell

Wholesale CNC punch press, CNC punching Buy Sell
Wholesale CNC punch press, CNC punching Buy Sell
Wholesale CNC punch press, CNC punching Buy Sell

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Company:Sino-Japanese Machinery (MOS) Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Wholesale CNC punch press, CNC punching Buy Sell
Update Time:2013-05-15
Price Description: RMB/
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CNC punch, CNC punching, CNC turret punch press industry leader Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (MOS) - Sino-Japanese company specializing in CNC punch, CNC punching, CNC turret punch press production sales. CNC punch press (1) Check punch lubrication and the lubrication power to be adequately lubricated (2) Check the punch press tooling installation is correct and reliable; (3) Check the punch compressed air pressure within the specified range (4) Check the punch switch button is sensitive and reliable, be sure to make the flywheel and clutch is disengaged, the motor can be opened; (5) of the press several air travel, check brakes, clutch and manipulate the part of the work (6) Check that the punch main motor without abnormal heat , abnormal vibration, abnormal sound (7) with a manual pump slider was added lithium ester oil (8) Check the punch adjustment feeder roller gap to the process requirements (9) Check the punch and keep lubricator oil meet the requirements ( 10) when the motor is switched on, you should check whether the direction of rotation of the flywheel turning flag. CNC punch press work (1) should be regularly manually lubricating oil pump oil pressure feed to the lubrication points (2) the Presses performance is not familiar with, are not allowed to adjust the press (3) the absolute prohibition of punching two layers of sheet metal (4) found not working properly should immediately stop work, and timely inspection. CNC punch press (1) the flywheel and clutch disengaged, cut off the power to release the remaining air (2) of the press wipe clean, make a record in the table top coat anti-rust oil (3) after each operation or maintenance. Article Source: CNC punch, CNC punching, CNC turret punch press http://www.zhongrijx.com/ ylj
Contact Detail
Company Name: Sino-Japanese Machinery (MOS) Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Mr. Tao()
Telephone Number: 13705551688
Company Address: , Ma'anshan City Bowang West Industrial Park, Maanshan City, Anhui Province, China
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