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Herbs Mei Ling San syphilis can be cured Minister Li

Herbs Mei Ling San syphilis can be cured Minister Li
Herbs Mei Ling San syphilis can be cured Minister Li
Herbs Mei Ling San syphilis can be cured Minister Li

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Company:Chinese medicine Herbs Mei Ling San cure for syphilis
Information Name: Herbs Mei Ling San syphilis can be cured Minister Li
Update Time:2013-05-15
Price Description: RMB/
Inquire Now
 ------------------------ Syphilis rehabilitation hotline 0311 -69,036,070 Experts Minister Li: 18332496070 Online QQ: 1920479445 ---------- -------------- good Herbs Mei Ling San efficacy, popular peer exclusion. Slander negative posing Herbs Mering bulk peddle drugs, what is more directly counterfeit Herbs Mering bulk selling counterfeit drugs, such as 021-60546526 please look only Shijiazhuang, Hebei is a genuine, if there are questions, please Now inquiry report. Consultation the Minister Li hotline 0311-69036070. Herbs Mei Ling San efficacy Undoubtedly, all over the country to cure the patient of a single laboratory, a single laboratory specimen number in the upper-right corner, you can go to the hospital that query is true. Efficacy Who out not cure the patient of a single laboratory most telling effect. Note: the treatment of patients with syphilis syphilis treatment considerations, treatment should adhere to the early principles of sufficient quantities of medication. Penicillin on Treponema pallidum role in the killing, and small side effects, reduce complications, cure diseases, and early resumption of health with the physician adherence to treatment, you will receive. During treatment, their spouses also need to be checked and treated if necessary. Requires periodic review, signs of recurrence, the use of antibiotics to increase after cure. Considerations in the treatment of syphilis, pay attention to the details of life, to prevent transmission to others: a strong contagious patients with early syphilis, late syphilis, although the infectivity decreases, but be careful for protection. Their underwear, towels, timely individually cleaned, sterilized by boiling, not the same basin and bath with others. A chancre or genital the perianal warts flat, you can use detoxify, insecticide dehumidification herbal Jianshui Fumigation Bath. Considerations in the treatment of syphilis, patients with early syphilis prohibition of sexual intercourse, sick for more than two years should also try to avoid sex, condoms must be used when sexual contact. If the patient is unmarried, then to be allowed to marry the rear cure syphilis. Note in the treatment of syphilis, secondary syphilis occurs systemic reaction, this time to stay in bed. The duration of the illness attention to nutrition, enhance immunity. Note in the treatment of syphilis, illness during pregnancy should not be. If the patients with pregnancy, treatment should begin as soon as possible. Whether to retain the fetus, should be based on the wishes of the pregnant women. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Chinese medicine Herbs Mei Ling San cure for syphilis
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Contact Person: Mr. Herbs Mering scattered experts(Expert)
Telephone Number: 0311-89265267
Company Address: Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, the construction of the street with the Huai An Road intersection, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China
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