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Supply senior electrician bench

Supply senior electrician bench
Supply senior electrician bench
Supply senior electrician bench

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Company:Science and Education Equipment Co., Ltd. Shanghai Bran..
Information Name: Supply senior electrician bench
Update Time:2013-05-15
Price Description: RMB/
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Senior electrician KCGD-858A-type bench, the senior electrician bench features products with better security measures, a more complete set of features. Previous generations of products based on various aspects of a greater improvement. The richer pilot projects, covering a wide choice of experimental content, the experimental depth has improved greatly, to make the experiment more in-depth and complete. Bench equipped with intelligent digital AC and DC table, high accuracy, wide measuring range, easy to use. Electrician strong electric part of the experiment are concealed electrical outlet access to reliable, safe; relay contactor, buttons, time relay made independent box-type components contacts have led to the electrical outlet, convenient, fast experiments. The weak part of the in abalone Universal experiment on the floor completed the experimental mobile, flexible, strong ability of practice. Component box box transparent lid India never fade component symbols, intuitive, clear and beautiful lines. Box body and lid with more the scientific pressure Cassette structure, maintenance, and replacement of components easy disassembly. Flatbed design, experimental discrete components, the institutions in addition to be able to complete the experiment on the guide book, you can also use components designed to meet the requirements of their own school experiment content. Bench height of 1.15M the laboratory layout without equipment height restrictions. Second, the scope for institutions of higher learning and require a higher secondary school, technical schools, vocational schools, research institutes, electrical engineering, electrical theory, circuit analysis, relay control course experiment, to be completed by training. The device is ideal for existing laboratory equipment replacement or new construction, expansion Laboratory. Third, the structure and performance of the bench, the power supply and parameters 1.1 input power supply: three-phase four-wire power supply, input indicator light. 1.2 Power output: embedded fuse box and three-phase the GFCI secondary protection functions. Group A: adjustable single, three phase AC power, 0-380V continuously adjustable AC power supply, 0-240V single-phase adjustable power supply can be obtained at the same time (with a 1.5KVA three-phase auto voltage regulator with three liquid crystal AC voltmeter, indicating that the regulator output voltage). Group B: low-voltage AC the 3,6,9,12,15,18,24 V power supply, the maximum output current of 1.5A. Group C: Low-voltage DC power supply, voltage 5V, current 0.5A. Group D: Dual constant current regulated power supply, Road output voltage was 0-30V, built-in relay automatic transmission. The multi-turn potentiometer continuous adjustment, easy to use. Maximum output current of 1.5A, the default limit protection, each output 0.5 digital ammeter, voltmeter indication, voltage stability <10-2, load stability <10-2, the ripple voltage <5mV . Group E: single-phase AC mains output for the user by the universal flapper-owned equipment. 2, Function Signal Generator 2.1 Output waveforms: sine wave, triangle wave, square wave. 2.2 Frequency range: 5Hz-550kHz, divided into five bands. 2.3 Frequency directions: directly read out by the HZ Table 2.4 voltage output range of: the sine wave 5Hz-250KHz> 4.5V, 250kHz-550kHz> 3.5V, three attenuation: 0db, 20db, 40db, with continuously adjustable, table instructions. Rectangular wave: 5Hz-250KHz 4.5V, 250KHZ-550KHZ> 3.5V amplitude continuously adjustable; triangular wave: 5Hz-550KHZ> 1V 2.5 built-in meter: The station contains a single-phase watt-hour meter lead to the terminal hole panel, with the work of visual box. 2.6 built-in fluorescent components: a fluorescent component has been installed in the station, convenient, safe experiments. 2.7 Intelligent DC ammeter: accuracy class 0.5, range 4 files were ± 4mA ± 40mA, ± 400mA, ± 4000mA over range automatic protection function, the meter panel with upper and lower limits preset alarm and hysteresis setting The key, according to the experimental conditions are subject to change any of a range of upper and lower alarm value and hysteresis data, easy to use, high precision, safe and reliable. 2.8 Intelligent AC ammeter: accuracy class 0.5, range 4 files were 4mA, 40mA, 400mA, 4000mA over range automatic protection function, the meter panel has upper and lower limits preset alarm and hysteresis setting buttons, according to the experimental at any time to change any of the upper and lower alarm values ??and hysteresis data in a range, easy to use, high precision, safe and reliable. 2.9 intelligent power meter, power factor meter: 24 dedicated DSP, 16-bit high precision AD converter and high-speed MPU unit designed by man-machine dialogue function control mode by keying digital window. The software RTOS design ideas with PC monitoring software to enhance analysis capabilities. Can measure the power, power factor of the circuit. Power measurement accuracy of 1.0 power factor measurement range 0.3-1.0, voltage and current range of 450V and 5A, can automatically determine the nature of the load (inductive display "L", "C" capacitive display, purely resistive), and can be store measurement data for inspection at any time. Series: electrician bench electronic bench electrician the electronic bench electrician training evaluation device electronic training assessment device electrical and electronic training assessment device power drag training assessment device electrical and electronic power drag Training Assessment Device car driving simulator cardiopulmonary resuscitation simulation people KCTY-183B General Electric drag experiment station KCTY-183A General Electric drag bench KCTY-182C vertical electric drive bench KCTY-182B Vertical Universal electrical and electronic power to drag (with DC motor) bench electrical and electronic experimental Electronic Laboratory Equipment KCTY-182A Vertical Universal electrical and electronic bench, electronic bench, electronic laboratory equipment KCTY-181b General Intelligent electrical, electronic, electric drag (with DC motor) bench KCTY-181A Universal intelligent electrical and electronic power drag triple bench, electrician training assessment device, electrical training device, the electrical evaluation skills training KCTY-18A Universal intelligent electrical bench, electrical training Desk, Electrotechnical Laboratory the equipment KCMD-A innovative analog electronic technology experimental device (dual type) KCLD-626B Vertical electrical mode voltage electrical control PLC programmable control integrated bench experimental device KCLD-626A vertical electrical engineering laboratory device KCJB- 740D motor and transformer the experimental device KCGD-858H type AC-DC converter training device KCGD-858g-type motor principle and motor drag experimental system KCGD-858F AC-DC motor motion control experiment system KCGD-858E DC motor motion control experimental device KCGD-858C electric motors and transformers control of the the experimental system KCGD-858D-type drag (plant electrical control) experimental device KCGD-858B type the senior electrician - mold - The number of electric - electric drive laboratory equipment KCGD-858A Senior Electrical Engineering Laboratory Desk of KCDZ-01-motor and automatic control experimental device the KCDQ-02 network motors and electrical technology experimental device KCDQ-01 type motor and electrical technology experimental device the KCDL-01F-type power system automation experimental platform the KCDL-01E type electric power system automation experimental platform the KCDL-01D electric system microprocessor line the KCDL-01C relay characteristics of the protection of experimental apparatus and following the security experimental device the KCDL-01B-type power system microcomputer transformer protection experimental device the KCDL-01A-type electric power automation and relay experiment the device KCDJ-02 type of modern power electronic technology the experimental device KCDJ-01 type power electronics and motor control experimental apparatus comprehensive experimental device KCDH-888D KCDH-888E, an electronic network type Electrotechnical experimental device KCDH-888C Intelligent electrical, electronic , dragging, PLC frequency control the experimental device KCDH-888B intelligent type electrical, electronics, electric drive integrated experimental device the the (with PLC experiment) KCDH-888A intelligent electrical technology experimental device KCBK-535M die digital circuit EDA experimental development bench KCBK-535L-die power, for power, communication theory teaching experimental device bench KCBK-535K-die power digital circuit, SCM experiment development system bench KCBK-535F-die power, the number of power computer interface, computer application bench KCBK-535E-type electrical mode voltage, number of electric, electrical control (with DC motor) bench KCBK-535B-die power digital circuit bench KCBK-535A the electrician bench address: Science and Education Equipment Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch tide (, Zhijiang Road 678, Shanghai) Tel 021 -51822085, 51822086,51822087 Fax 021 -51822087 E-mail: 1839766001@qq.com 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Science and Education Equipment Co., Ltd. Shanghai Bran..
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Hujing(Sales Director)
Telephone Number: 021-51822085,51822086,51822087
Company Address: Shanghai, Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Zip/Postal Code: 200070
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