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Supply 2013-2018 clutch Manufacturing Market Research and Investment Analysis Report

Supply 2013-2018 clutch Manufacturing Market Research and Investment Analysis Report
Supply 2013-2018 clutch Manufacturing Market Research and Investment Analysis Report
Supply 2013-2018 clutch Manufacturing Market Research and Investment Analysis Report

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2013-2018 clutch manufacturing market depth research and investment prospects Analysis Report Number (No.): 113507 Institute of Economic Research [Report Title]: 2013-2018 clutch manufacturing market depth research and investment prospects Analysis Report [Keywords : Clutch Manufacturing Analysis Report Publication Date: May 2013 delivery: the EMIL electronic version or EMS 【Report Price: paper version]: 6500 yuan [electronic version]: 6800 yuan [paper + E]: 7000 yuan [Order by phone: 010-57738660 duty Hotline: 15330088658 [Fax Order]: 010-84943629 [Contact Customer Service]: Li Zhao Consulting QQ: 1,720,057,175 [Website]: http://www.zsjjyjy.com / report/113507.html (click or copy the website read text) Report Contents: Chapter 1: Summary of the clutch manufacturing industry 10 1.1 clutch manufacturing industry definition and classification of industry concepts and definitions 10 1.1.1 10 1.1.2 Industry the status of the industry in the national economy in categories 10 1.1.3 11 1.2 statistical offices and statistical coverage of the clutch manufacturing industry statistical standards 11 1.2.1 clutch manufacturing industry 11 1.2.2 clutch manufacturing industry statistical methods 12 1.2.3 clutch manufacturing industry the kind of data 12 1.3 clutch manufacturing industry chain clutch manufacturing industry market analysis of raw materials 14 1.3.1 Overview 14 1.3.2 clutch manufacturing industry raw materials market analysis 14 (1) spring steel market operators and prices 14 (2) low carbon steel market operators and price steel bar market operators and prices of the trend 16 (3) steel market operations and price movements 16 (4) 17 (5) friction materials market development analysis 17 Chapter 2: clutch manufacturing industry in China Market Environment 19 2.1 Industry policy environment Analysis 19 2.1.1 the clutch industry standard 19 2.1.2 the clutch industry policy 20 (1) auto industry "12th Five-Year Development Plan 20 (2) energy-saving and new energy automotive industry development plan" 20 (3) "to speed up nurture and develop emerging industries of strategic decision "21 (4) car purchase tax concessions, car to the countryside, trade-in policy cancel the nationwide start State IV emission standards 21 (5) 2011 21 (6) limit blocking" policy 21 2.1.3 clutch industry development planning 22 2.2 Industry Analysis of Economic Environment 22 2.2.1 Analysis 22 2.2.2 domestic macroeconomic environment of 25 2.2.3 Industry macroeconomic environment of international macroeconomic environment 26 2.3 industry trade environment 27 2.3.1 clutch technology development process of the industry trade environment Analysis 27 2.3.2 industry trade environment trend analysis 28 2.4 Industry technology environmental analysis clutch technology development of the overall situation 29 2.4.1 China 29 (1) and 29 (2) clutch technology maturity 29 ( 3) clutch technology gap at home and abroad and the reasons 30 2.4.2 clutch technological development 32 (1) the automatic clutch technology development 32 (2) surface-contact one-way clutch technology development 32 (3) reduction of one-way clutch technology development 32 dual-clutch transmission technology (4) 33 (5) vehicle powertrain technology development 34 2.4.3 clutch technology trends 34 2.4.4 improve clutch technology strategy analysis 37 Chapter 3 :2010-2012 clutch manufacturing industry development analysis 39 3.1 clutch manufacturing industry development analysis 39 3.1.1 clutch manufacturing industry development General Overview 39 3.1.2 clutch manufacturing industry 39 (1) the development of the main characteristics of the industry have been expanding 39 (2) industry and cars , 40 (3) foreign-funded enterprises to enter the motorcycle industry association, market competition 40 (4) leading foreign-funded enterprises and private enterprises accounted for 40 3.1.3 2010 clutch manufacturing industry operation analysis 40 (1) 2010 Clutch Manufacturing industry management benefit analysis 40 (2) clutch manufacturing industry Profitability Analysis 41 (3) 2010 operational capacity of the clutch manufacturing industry in 2010 42 (4) 2010 clutch manufacturing industry Solvency Analysis 42 (5) 2010 clutch manufacturing industry development capacity analysis 42 3.2 2010-2012 clutch manufacturing industry supply and demand balance analysis 43 3.2.1 2010-2012 National clutch manufacturing industry supply analysis 43 (1) 2010-2012 National clutch manufacturing industry output value of 43 (2) 2010 -2012 National clutch manufacturing industry finished products analysis 44 3.2.2 2010-2012 regions clutch manufacturing industry supply analysis 44 (1) 2010-2012 annual output value ranked among the top 10 regions 44 (2) 2010 - 2012 annual output of finished ranked top 10 regions 45 3.2.3 Analysis of the 2010-2012 National clutch manufacturing industry demand analysis 46 (1) 2010-2012 National clutch manufacturing industry sales value of 46 (2) 2010-2012 National clutch manufacturing industry sales analysis 47 3.2.4 2010-2012 regions clutch manufacturing industry demand analysis 48 (2) 2010-2012 Sales Analysis 48 (1) 2010-2012 annual sales value ranking top 10 regions before income ranks among the 10 regions in 2003-2012 49 3.2.5 clutch manufacturing industry production and marketing rate analysis 50 3.3 2010-2012 the clutch industry in China Import and Export in 2010-2012 50 3.3.1 clutch manufacturing industry exports 50 (1) 2010-2012 export industry overall situation 51 Analysis 52 (1) 2010-2012 (2) 2010-2012 industry structure of export products 51 3.3.2 2010-2012 clutch manufacturing industry imports industry overall imports 52 (2) 2010-2012 industries import product structure 53 Chapter 4: Chinese the clutch industry needs industry operators Analysis 55 4.1 2010 operational status of the automobile manufacturing industry 55 4.1.1 Analysis of the size of the automobile manufacturing industry 55 4.1.2 Motor vehicles manufacturing industry production 56 4.1.3 automobile manufacturing industry demand 57 4.1.4 automobile manufacturing industry supply and demand balance 59 4.1.5 automobile manufacturing industry financial operations 60 4.1.6 automobile manufacturing industry operating characteristics and trend analysis 63 4.2 2010 motorcycle The operational status of the car manufacturing industry analysis 68 4.2 63 4.2.1 Analysis of the size of the motorcycle manufacturing industry 63 4.2.2 motorcycle manufacturing industry production 65 4.2.3 motorcycle manufacturing industry demand 66 4.2.4 motorcycle manufacturing industry supply and demand balance. 5 motorcycle manufacturing industry financial operations 69 4.2.6 motorcycle manufacturing industry operating characteristics and trend analysis 71 4.3 2010 Tractor Manufacturing Industry Operations Analysis 72 4.3.1 tractor manufacturing industry scale analysis 72 4.3.2 tractor manufacturing industry production 74 4.3.3 tractor manufacturing industry demand 75 4.3.4 78 4.3.6 tractor in tractor manufacturing industry supply and demand balance 77 4.3.5 tractor manufacturing industry financial operations of the manufacturing industry operating characteristics and trend analysis 80 Chapter 5: clutch manufacturing industry market in China Competitive Analysis 81 5.1 International Clutch Manufacturing Industry Competitive Analysis 81 5.1.1 International clutch manufacturing industry development status 81 5.1.2 International Clutch Manufacturing Industry Competitive Analysis 82 5.1.3 International clutch manufacturing industry development trend analysis 86 5.2 Clutch foreign-funded enterprises in the Chinese Competitive Analysis 87 5.2.1 Germany ZF Sachs (ZF Sachs) 87 5.2.2 Japan EXEDY Group 88 5.2.3 FCC Japan 88 5.2.4 Valeo, France (Valeo) 88 5.2.5 United States Eaton (Eaton) 89 5.2.6 Schaeffler - Luke (LUK) 90 5.3 Domestic clutch of competition in the industry, the domestic the Clutch industry concentration analysis 90 5.3.1 90 (1) industry revenue concentration 90 (2) concentration of industry assets Analysis 91 (3) of industry profits concentration analysis 93 5.3.2 Domestic clutch Industry five forces model analysis of industries upstream bargaining power of 94 (1) 94 (2) Industry downstream bargaining power 94 (3) potential Threat of New Entrants 95 (4 97 5.3.3 clutch) 95 (5) within the industry competitive landscape industry alternatives threat 951) 95 2) OEM market competition of the industry as a whole competitive landscape 963) after-sales market competition 974) export market competition of industry mergers and restructuring meta-analysis of 97 (1) industry mergers and reorganization and integration trends, industry mergers and reorganization and integration features 98, 98 (2) (3) industry mergers and reorganization and integration trends 99 5.3.4 clutch industry competitive analysis of different types of economic enterprises 99 (1) different economic the type enterprise features 99 (2) the type of industry economic concentration analysis 101 Chapter 6: clutch manufacturing industry segments Market Analysis 104 6.2 104 6.1 Clutch industry structural features common classification market analysis 104 6.2.1 friction clutch 106 (1) Main features 106 Market Analysis 104 (1) 104 (2) Analysis 105 (3) of the main production enterprises 105 (4) demand forecast 106 torque converter 6.2.2 Market Analysis ( 2) Analysis 106 (3) 106 (4) demand major manufacturers Forecast 106 6.2.3 the electromagnetic clutch Market Analysis Application Analysis of the main features of the 107 (1) 107 (2) 108 (3) 109 major manufacturers ( 4) Demand Forecast 109 6.3 the classified product market downstream applications 109 6.3.1 Market Analysis of automobile clutch 109 (1) the development of the automotive industry Analysis 1091) the automotive industry overall scale of production and sales of 1092) manual car production and sales scale 1103 ) auto parts market situation 111 (2) Auto Clutch complementary relationship 1121) analysis of the complementary relationship of the passenger area of ??1122) supporting the relationship between the field of commercial vehicles 112 (3) supporting the needs analysis of automobile clutch 1141) the passenger area of ??supporting needs analysis 1142) supporting the needs of the field of commercial vehicles 115 (4) the automobile clutch Market Forecast 116 6.3.2 Market Analysis of Motorcycle Clutch 116 (1) motorcycle industry development status 1161) motorcycle industry production and marketing scale 1162 ) scale 117 (2) of the import and export of motorcycle parts motorcycle clutch market demand analysis 117 (3) Motorcycle Clutch major manufacturers 117 (4) The motorcycle clutch Market Forecast 118 6.3.3 agricultural vehicles clutch product market analysis 118 ( 1) the production and marketing of agricultural vehicle industry Analysis 118 (2) agricultural vehicles clutch Market Demand Analysis 119 (3) agricultural vehicles clutch manufacturers 119 (4) agricultural vehicles clutch Market Forecast 119 6.3.4 Other areas of the clutch market analysis 120 ( 1) Construction Machinery clutch Market Analysis 120 (2) washing machine clutch Market Analysis 120 Chapter 7: China clutch manufacturing industry key regional market analysis of industry as a whole 121 7.1 Regional characteristics of the analysis 121 7.1.1 industries regional structure general characteristics 121 7.1.2 Industry Regional concentration analysis 123 7.1.3 industry regional distribution characteristics of the analysis of the regional distribution of the efficiency of the sector indicators 126 7.1.5 125 7.1.4 industry scale indicators regional distribution analysis 127 7.1.6 industries and enterprises of regional distribution analysis 128 7.2 Zhejiang clutch manufacturing industry analysis and forecast change in the status of the clutch manufacturing industry in Zhejiang Province in the industry 129 7.2.1 129 7.2.2 clutch manufacturing industry in Zhejiang Province economic situation analysis 130 7.2.3 clutch manufacturing industries and enterprises in Zhejiang Province 131 7.2.4 Zhejiang Province Clutch manufacturing industry trends clutch manufacturing industry in Jiangsu Province, the status changes in the industry, forecast clutch manufacturing industry in Jiangsu Province, 132 7.3 Analysis and Forecast 132 7.3.1 132 7.3.2 Jiangsu Province clutch manufacturing industry economic operation analysis 133 7.3.3 Jiangsu Province clutch manufacturing industries and enterprises 135 7.3.4 Jiangsu Province clutch manufacturing industry trends forecast clutch manufacturing industry in Shandong Province, the development of analysis and forecast 135 7.4 135 7.4.1 135 7.4.2 Shandong Province for the change in the status of the clutch manufacturing industry in Shandong Province in the industry clutch manufacturing industry economic situation analysis 136 7.4.3 Shandong Province clutch manufacturing industries and enterprises 138 7.4.4 Shandong Province clutch manufacturing industry trends forecast 138 7.5 clutch manufacturing industry in Guangdong Province Development Analysis and Forecast 139 7.5.1 clutch manufacturing industry in Guangdong Province change in the status in the industry 139 7.5.2 Guangdong Province clutch manufacturing industry economic situation analysis 139 7.5.3 clutch manufacturing industries and enterprises in Guangdong Province 141 7.5.4 clutch manufacturing industry in Guangdong Province, the development trend forecasting 141 7.6 clutch manufacturing industry in Shanghai analysis and forecast change in the status of the clutch manufacturing industry in Shanghai in the industry 142 7.6.1 142 7.6.2 clutch manufacturing industry in Shanghai economic situation analysis 142 7.6.3 Shanghai clutch manufacturing industries and enterprises of 144 7.6.4 Shanghai clutch manufacturing industry trends forecast 144 Chapter 8: clutch manufacturing industry production and operation analysis 145 8.1 clutch manufacturers overall situation of the size of the clutch manufacturing enterprises 145 8.1.1 145 8.1.2 clutch manufacturing industry industrial output status 145 8.1.3 Clutch Manufacturing industry sales revenue and profits 146 8.1.4 Main clutch manufacturing enterprises innovation capability analysis 147 8.2 clutch manufacturing industry-leading business case analysis of the West Lake in Hangzhou Auto Parts Group Co., Ltd. 148 8.2.1 Analysis on operation 148 (1) Brief introduction to the enterprise development 148 (2) organization 148 (3), product mix analysis 149 (4) 149 (5) products sales channels 149 (6) of the business case analysis 1501) 1502) Enterprise Enterprise production and marketing capacity supporting customers Solvency Analysis 1503) the ability of business operations 1514) Corporate Profitability Analysis 1515) enterprise development ability latest developments in analysis 152 (8) 152 (7) business conditions SWOT analysis 153 8.2.2 sax zero parts Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 154 (1) A Brief Introduction to Analysis 154 (3) products supporting customers 155 (4) 154 (2) structural analysis business case analysis enterprise production and marketing capacity in 1551) analysis of 155 2) Solvency Analysis 1563) business operations Analysis 1564) the profitability of the business enterprise development capacity analysis 158 (5) business conditions SWOT analysis 158 8.2.3 Changchun Yidong Clutch Co., Ltd. operating in 1575) 159 (1) Brief introduction to the enterprise development 159 (2) The product mix analysis, 160 (3) enterprise products supporting customers 1621) analysis of major economic indicators of 162 162 (4) enterprise product sales channels 162 (5) business case analysis 2) Solvency Analysis 1643) the ability of business operations 1644) the profitability of the business enterprise development capacity analysis of 165 (6) business conditions SWOT analysis 166 (7) merger and reorganization of enterprises to invest in 167 (8 in 1645) ) enterprise latest developments 167 8.2.4 Guilin Fuda Co., Ltd. clutch branch operation 167 (1) Brief introduction to the enterprise development 167 (2) product structure analysis supporting customers 168 (3) 168 (4) business case analysis 1681) enterprise production and marketing capacity to 1682) corporate solvency analysis of 1693) of business operations Analysis 1704) Corporate Profitability Analysis 1705) enterprise development capacity analysis of 171 (5) business conditions SWOT analysis 172 (6) analysis of the latest developments Exedy drive system (Chongqing) Co., Ltd. 172 8.2.5 Analysis of operating results 173 173 (3) (2) product structure supporting customers 176 172 (1) A Brief Introduction to Analysis (4) product sales channels 177 (5) of the 1771 business case analysis) enterprise production and marketing capacity of 1772) corporate solvency analysis 1783) ability of business operations analysis 1784) Corporate Profitability Analysis 1795) enterprise development capacity analysis 179 (6) business conditions SWOT analysis 180 Chapter 9: China clutch manufacturing industry trends and investment analysis 283 9.1 clutch manufacturing industry development trend analysis 283 9.1.1 clutch manufacturing industry development trend analysis 283 9.1.2 clutch the development of the manufacturing industry forecast 283 (1) of the domestic market demand forecast for 2831), the domestic OEM market forecast 2832) domestic maintenance market forecast 284 (2) export market demand forecast for 2851) 2852 export growth space) there is a price advantage 2853) global industrial transfer 286 9.2 clutch clutch manufacturing industry in China Investment Analysis 286 9.2.1 industry investment characteristics of production capacity of 2873) 2861) Technical Barriers to 2872) 286 (1) industry barriers to entry analysis more robust procurement system barriers barriers 287 (2) 287 (3) industry profit model the profitability of the industry factor analysis 288 9.2.2 hot industry investment products 289 289 (1) dual mass flywheel (DMF) (2) torque converter (TC), 291 (3 ) adaptive Clutch 292 (4) dual-clutch (Dual Clutch) 293 9.2.3 industry hot investment areas 294 9.2.4 industry international investment 295 9.3 clutch manufacturing industry investment advice 297 9.3.1 industry investment risk warning 297 (1) the risk of product research and development 297 (2) the expansion of business investment risk 298 (3) to prevent the risk of export 9.3.2 298 domestic and foreign enterprises experience to draw 299 (1) the domestic enterprises Experience 299 (2) foreign enterprises 301 9.3.3 Experience industry investment advice 302 chart catalog chart 1:2006-2012 clutch manufacturing industry total industrial output value and as a percentage of GDP (Unit: billion,%) 11 Figure 2: the downstream industrial relations Figure 14 clutch chart 3:2010 August - part of spring steel product prices in January 2011 (Shanghai, for example) (Unit: yuan / ton) 16 Figure 4:2010 November - January 2011 the strip settlement price or the guide price (Unit: yuan / ton) 17 Figure 5: clutch manufacturing industry standard 19 chart the 6:2010 Myspic / MyIpic index Chart 26 Chart 7:2006-2012 auto parts and accessories manufacturing industry sales, industrial output value and growth rate (Unit: billion,%) 27 Figure 8:2005-2011, China's import and export of automobile clutch and parts thereof overall (Unit: tons, 10,000 U.S. dollars) 28 Figure 9: Europe different transmission installed in the passenger car and the future development of prediction (unit:%) 36 chart 10:2010-2012 clutch operating efficiency of the manufacturing industry (Unit: home, man, million,%) 41 chart 11:2010-2012 clutch manufacturing industry profitability analysis (unit:% ) 41 chart 12:2010-2012 years operational capacity of clutch manufacturing industry in China (Unit:) 42 Figure 13:2010-2012 Solvency Analysis of the clutch manufacturing industry in China (Unit:%, X) 42 chart 14:2010 - 2012 clutch manufacturing industry development capacity analysis (unit:%) 43 chart 15:2006-2012 clutch trend of industrial output value and growth rate of the manufacturing industry (Unit: billion,%) 43 chart 16:2006-2012 clutch manufacturing industry of finished goods and Growth Chart (Unit: 100 million, 10%) 44 chart 17:2010-2012 industrial output value at the top of the regional tables (Unit: million,%) 45 Figure 18:2010 industrial proportion of the output value of the top 10 regions (unit:%) 45 Figure 19:2010-2012 production and finished among the top 10 regional tables (Unit: million,%) 46 chart 20:2010 annual output of finished Habitat before the 10 geographical weighting diagram (unit:%) 46 chart 21:2006-2012 clutch manufacturing industry sales value and growth rate changes (Unit: billion,%) 47 Figure 22:2006-2012 clutch manufacturing industry sales changes in income and growth trends (unit: million,%) 47 the chart 23:2010-2012 annual sales value of the top 10 regional tables (unit: million,%) 24:2010 annual sales value of 48 chart ranking before the 10 geographical weighting (unit:%) 49 chart 25:2010-2012 annual sales income at the top of the 10 regions Tables (Unit: million,%) 49 chart 26:2010 sales revenue in the 10 proportion of the regional map (unit:%) 50 chart 27:2006-2012 national clutch manufacturing industry production and marketing rate changes in trends (unit:%) 50 charts in January-November 28:2010-2012 clutch manufacturing industry in China monthly exports Chart (Unit: million U.S. dollars) 51 charts in January-November 29:2010-2012 clutch manufacturing industry in China the monthly main export product structure table (unit: tons, million, million U.S. dollars) 52 Chart 30:2010-2012 -11 clutch manufacturing industry in China the monthly imports Graph (Unit: million) 53 charts in January-November 31:2010-2012 clutch manufacturing industry in China the monthly main import product structure table (unit: tons, 10,000, 10,000 U.S. dollars ) 53 chart 32:2004-2012 automotive manufacturing industry in the number of firms, number of employees changes (unit: home) 55 Figure 33:2004-2012 balance of the automobile manufacturing industry size and growth rate of change (Unit: 100 million %) 56 chart 34:2004-2012 automobile manufacturing industry balance scale trends (unit: billion,%) 56 chart 35:2004-2012 automotive manufacturing industry in total industrial output value changes (Unit: 100 million %) 57 Figure 36:2004-2012 industrial output value of the automobile manufacturing industry trends (unit: billion,%) 57 Figure 37:2004-2012 changes in automobile manufacturing industry sales (Unit: billion,%) 58 chart 38:2004-2012 years of the automobile manufacturing industry sales trends (unit: billion,%) 58 chart 39:2004-2012 automobile manufacturing industry total profit change (Unit: billion,%) 59 chart 40:2004 -2012 automotive manufacturing industry total profit trends (unit: billion,%) 59 chart 41:2004-2012 changes in the automobile manufacturing industry production and marketing rate trends (unit:%) 60 Figure 42:2004-2012 automobile manufacturing industry inventory of finished products change (Unit: billion,%) 60 Figure 43:2004-2012 operating efficiency of the automobile manufacturing industry (Unit: billion, home,%) 61 Figure 44:2004-2012 automobile manufacturing industry key financial benchmark (unit:%, times, times) 62 Figure 45:2004-2012 motorcycle manufacturing industry, the number of enterprises, number of employees changes (unit: home) 64 chart 46:2004-2012 years of motorcycle manufacturing industry assets liabilities changes in size and growth rate (Unit: billion,%) 64 Figure 47:2004-2012 motorcycle manufacturing industry, changes in the balance scale trends (unit: billion,%) 65 Figure 48:2004-2012 motorcycle car manufacturing industry total industrial output value changes (Unit: billion,%) 65 Figure 49:2004-2012 motorcycle manufacturing industry in total industrial output value trends (Unit: billion,%) 66 chart 50:2004-2012 motorcycle car manufacturing industry sales revenue changes (Unit: million,%) 66 chart 51:2004-2012 motorcycle manufacturing industry sales trends (unit: billion,%) 67 Figure 52:2004-2012 motorcycle manufacturing total profit of the industry changes (Unit: billion,%) 67 Figure 53:2004-2012 motorcycle manufacturing industry total profit trends (Unit: billion,%) 68 chart 54:2004-2012 motorcycle manufacturing industry production and sales rate of change trends (unit:%) 68 chart the 55:2004-2012 motorcycle manufacturing industry inventory of finished products change (Unit: billion,%) 69 chart 56:2004-2012 motorcycle manufacturing industry management benefit ( Unit: yuan, home,%) the 69 chart 57:2004-2012 motorcycle manufacturing industry key financial indicators compare (Unit:%, times, times) 70 chart 58:2004-2012 tractor manufacturing industry, the number of firms, number of employees changes (unit: home) 73 Chart 59:2004-2012 tractor manufacturing industry size and growth rates of change of the balance (Unit: billion,%) 73 Figure 60:2004-2012 tractor manufacturing industry balance scale changes in trends (unit: billion,%) 74 Figure 61:2004-2012 tractor manufacturing industry in total industrial output value changes (Unit: billion,%) 74 Figure 62:2004-2012 tractor manufacturing industry in total industrial output value trend Figure 75 chart 64:2004-2012 (Unit: billion,%) 75 Figure 63:2004-2012 tractor manufacturing industry sales revenue changes (Unit: 100 million yuan,%) Tractor Manufacturing industry sales trends (unit: billion yuan, total profit%) 76 Chart 65:2004-2012 tractor manufacturing industry changes (Unit: billion,%) 76 Figure 66:2004-2012 tractor manufacturing industry total profit trends (unit: million,% ) 77 chart 67:2004-2012 tractor manufacturing industry production and marketing rate changes in trends (unit:%) 77 chart 68:2004-2012 tractor manufacturing industry finished inventory production changes (Unit: billion,%) 78 Figure 69: 2004-2012 tractor manufacturing industry management benefit (Unit: 100 million home,%) 78 Figure 70:2004-2012 tractor manufacturing industry key financial indicators (Unit:%, times, times) 79 Figure 71: the world's major manufacturers of automobile clutch 82 chart 72:2008-2012 FCC Japan operation (Unit: Millions of yen, people) 83 chart 73:2010-2012 FCC Japan operating income by geographical areas (unit: Millions of yen,%) 83 chart 74:2008-2012 FCC Japan operating income by product (Unit: millions of yen,%) 84 Figure 75:2008-2011 EXEDY Corporation of Japan operations (Unit : millions of yen) 84 chart 76:2003-2011 French Valeo sales revenue (Unit: 100 million euros) 85 Figure 77: Valeo for investment in China 89 Figure 78:2011 clutch manufacturing industry 10-party sales and share of sales (unit: million,%) 91 Figure 79:2005-2011 clutch manufacturing industry sales concentration change (unit:%) 91 Figure 10 vendors before the the 80:2011 clutch manufacturing industry asset size (unit: million asset concentration change in%) 92 Figure 81:2005-2011 clutch manufacturing industry (Unit:%) 93 chart 82:2011 clutch manufacturing industry 10 vendors profit situation (Unit: 10,000 $%) 93 chart 83:2005-2011 clutch manufacturing industry profit concentration change map (unit:%) 94 Figure 84: China clutch manufacturing industry competition pattern (unit:%) 96 chart 85:2010 clutch manufacturing enterprise ownership structural features (Unit: home, million) 99 Figure 86: clutch manufacturing industry, the financial position of the different types of economic (a) (unit:%) 100 Figure 87: clutch manufacturing industry of the financial status of the different types of economic (b) (unit:%) 101 chart 88:2010 clutch manufacturing industry in China different types of enterprises sales revenue (Unit: million) 102 chart 89:2010 clutch manufacturing industry sales percentage by economic type (unit: %) 102 Figure 90:2004-2012 years of economic Type Percentage (by sales revenue) (Unit:%) 103 chart 91:2004 -2012 industry economic type concentration change trends (in terms of sales revenue) (unit:% ) 103 Figure 92: Classification of electromagnetic clutch 107 Figure 93: characteristics of the electromagnetic clutch 107 chart 94:2000-2012 China's automobile production growth trends (unit:%) 110 chart 95:2007-2008 of production passenger car models equipped with the proportion of the various forms of transmission (unit:%) 110 Figure 96:2004-2011 China's passenger car automatic and manual changes in the proportion of production (unit:%) 111 Figure 97:2005 - 2012 China's auto parts sales income (Unit: billion,%) 112 Figure 98: China's major automobile clutch manufacturers supporting relationship 113 Figure 99: national take-off and thousands of universal term passenger car ownership (Unit: cars %) 115 Figure 100:2006-2012, China's sales of motorcycle parts (Unit: million units,%) 117 Figure 101:2010-2012 clutch manufacturing industry regional markets (Unit: home, million) 121 chart 102:2010-2012 number of clutch manufacturing industries and enterprises in the region (Unit:%) 122 chart 103:2010-2012 clutch manufacturing industry sales revenue in each region (unit:%) 122 Figure 104:2010-2012 clutch manufacturing industry of the regional total assets (Unit:%) the 123 chart 105:2010 clutch manufacturing industry sales revenue ranking of 15 regions (Unit: million) 124 chart 106:2010 clutch manufacturing industry in China Sales income by province cumulative percentage (unit:%) 124 chart 107:2006-2012 clutch manufacturing industry sales income of the top five and top ten provinces accounted for (unit:%) 124 chart 108:2006-2012 clutch manufacturing industry, the top five provinces proportion of sales revenue and the standard deviation (unit:%) 125 chart 109:2010 distribution of assets and income areas of the clutch manufacturing industry (Unit: 100 million,%) 126 chart 110:2010 clutch manufacturing efficiency of the sector Conditions geographical distribution (Unit: 100 million yuan,%) 128 chart 111:2010 clutch manufacturing industries and enterprises in the number of regional distribution (unit: home,%) 129 chart 112:2006-2012 clutch manufacturing industry in Zhejiang Province status changes (Unit: %) 130 chart 113:2007-2012 the clutch manufacturing industry economic situation (unit:% times) 130 chart 114:2011 clutch manufacturing industry in Zhejiang Province and profitability (unit: million,%) 132 chart, Jiangsu Province, 115:2006-2012 clutch manufacturing industry status changes (unit:%) 133 Figure 116:2007-2012 clutch manufacturing industry in Jiangsu Province, the economic situation (Unit:%, times) 134 Figure 117: clutch manufacturing industry in 2011, Jiangsu Province, and profitability (unit: million,%) 135 Figure 118:2006-2012 clutch manufacturing industry in Shandong Province status changes (Unit:%) 136 chart 119:2007-2012 Shandong Province clutch manufacturing industry economic situation (unit:% times) 137 chart clutch manufacturing industry in Shandong Province 120:2011 and profitability (Unit: million,%) 138 reports each quarter can be updated in real time, free after-sales year of service and details and ordering process please contact customer service staff, thank you for your attention!
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