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Italian antique furniture Tianjin import customs broker

Italian antique furniture Tianjin import customs broker
Italian antique furniture Tianjin import customs broker
Italian antique furniture Tianjin import customs broker

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Company:Dongguan the Bangda international freight company
Information Name: Italian antique furniture Tianjin import customs broker
Update Time:2013-02-28
Price Description: RMB/
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Italian antique furniture Tianjin import customs broker Korea - Japan - United States - Germany - Spain - Singapore - Canada chemicals import declaration ★ Import Logistics Department: ★ Mr. Gao ★ Phone: 13,533,144,474 ★ QQ: 583 269 303] specific reference website http:/ / www.pantom9528-import.com http://www.pantom9527-import.com www.tuiyun-import.com Import & Export Company of Guangdong Peng professional agent furniture, furniture, and other furniture imports for many years, the main agent of country furniture clearance of imports with countries such as Italy, the United Kingdom, France, the United States and Southeast Asia, general furniture imports are home-based, our company can arrange for the trailer directly onto the place of receipt, the price is cheap and affordable, such as the amount of cabinet, then, the price is a lot cheaper. Furniture Furniture zero tariff, VAT 17%, are generally need to know the As for furniture interlocutory price, Secretary furniture declare many years for furniture imports trial price Peng company has its own way of know furniture latest trial price, imports guests provide a complete set of imported furniture, furniture imports significant savings in logistics costs. If guests are looking for a furniture imports experienced agents, will definitely give a complete solution to your latest furniture import declaration in a lot of hands, all kinds of furniture imported case, please contact us. ******************************************** Import industry industry imports dynamic light easily loose tell you that, like many domestic products, consumers often imported products or use imported raw materials manufactured products showed more favored, which also caused the foreign products in the furniture market prices far higher than the current situation of the domestic manufacture of products. For this consumer psychology of consumers, many manufacturers are also on the selection of raw materials to fully highlight its noble descent from abroad, furniture stores, imported leather, imported paint, imported solid wood "tagline abound Purchasing Guide is also introducing the products are all of the imported raw materials used in the product praised a plus. In fact, many foreign brands of raw materials, most still manufacturing in China, like BMW, Mercedes-Benz, many of which are domestic manufacturing, from the hands of the people, but the market is worth double. And in terms of timber, the fundamental difference lies in the different climate and geographical environment created different wood, imported wood does not mean that we will certainly be better than China's timber. It can be said, blindly worshiping the imported product, has become a misunderstanding of the end consumer. Currently, some excellent paint, chemical companies have technically have a level par with foreign enterprises, even as exports and market share has exceeded the number of foreign brands, the only gap is the gap between the brand value, and This gap is takes time and history were laid. But domestic product with a higher price, which is no doubt, but also domestic raw material suppliers is very much one of the competitive advantages. Raw materials and furniture industries need to be integrated with the upgrades in recent years, raw material suppliers, regardless of manufacturer or dealer, gradually began to try from the backstage to play a certain role in the furniture industry as a whole, through a variety of ways. Launched in 2010, the industry's well-known love grid plate and formation the EGGER sheet including 7 large well-known flooring, furniture, cabinets brand Union to Germany EGGER plate for standard aims to disseminate high-end sheet in furniture products in the application advantages. Furniture Fair in 2012, high-end materials held multiple large forum theme of "electric, low-carbon, environmentally friendly, optimize the industrial", has caused widespread concern in the industry. Meanwhile, in some large domestic furniture exhibition site, found more and more raw and auxiliary materials exhibitors, have made great strides in terms of exhibition scale, investment-grade, some special booth exhibitor and furniture booth in the same breath. It also caused a high degree of concern in the trade fair organizer, a lot of the show will be for the raw and auxiliary materials set up a separate display area, held a series of raw and auxiliary materials suppliers led Forum meetings. Professionals, said, "With the national momentum guide the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries, a growing number of raw and auxiliary materials are starting to improve the degree of emphasis on brand communication, all exhibitors and promotion with unprecedented enthusiasm to promote their own electricity supplier new materials, new technology, at the same time for their own corporate brand image has also been improved. can say, raw and auxiliary materials industry is no longer the extensive survival patterns of the past, but on behalf of the furniture industry, fine, sharp 'origin land '. "Of course, some large raw material dealers, through long-term cooperation with foreign raw materials manufacturer of high-end brands, more and feel the power of the brand, understand the brand value of the product for enterprise development advantage. This is another to procure raw materials suppliers to increase brand-building, one of the reasons of communication efforts. In short, the future of the furniture industry and the upstream raw and auxiliary materials including hardware accessories necessary for industrial upgrading, integration of resources and then take advantage of the new e-commerce model to the comprehensive development of the furniture industry to go abroad, with a strong voice to.
Contact Detail
Company Name: Dongguan the Bangda international freight company
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Gao Yong()
Telephone Number: 0769-23127794
Company Address: Dongguan Nan, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China
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