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Lok Sang solar dealers, value-added projects, solar cleaning joining Merchants, appliance repair

Lok Sang solar dealers, value-added projects, solar cleaning joining Merchants, appliance repair
Lok Sang solar dealers, value-added projects, solar cleaning joining Merchants, appliance repair
Lok Sang solar dealers, value-added projects, solar cleaning joining Merchants, appliance repair

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Company:Hainan MEGA Fine Chemical Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Lok Sang solar dealers, value-added projects, solar cleaning joining Merchants, appliance repair
Update Time:2013-02-28
Price Description: RMB/
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Of solar water heaters detergents, solar detergents, profitable solar projects 【Product name】 solar water heater detergents [Applicable objects boiler, electric water heaters, gas water heaters. The main components of food acids, synergist, metal material protection agents [product features] fast, thorough, clean the inner wall of the solar water heater and vacuum tube scale. 【Product specification】 300 g / bottle 40 bottles / box 【Product Number】 6947850588118 [shelf life] three years [Packaging Storage】 Store in a dry, cool place [Product Description] Belgium imported food grade materials, the world's purest descaling agent, quickly, thoroughly clean the inner wall of the solar water heater and vacuum tube scale, to ensure that your health worries! 【Reason for use of solar water heaters long without cleaning can cause water pollution, the water temperature is not high and shorten the life of the solar water heater. Occasional cleaning, solar water heaters will shorten the life span, reducing its value in use, can not fully play its role, but also to cause unnecessary trouble - such as burst, leaking If we allow for bacteria growth and reproduction, and even endanger your health. Advantages using food grade materials, no harm to the human body, can be used directly after cleaning; 2, of collector tube liner, water storage tanks, coating, vacuum tubes, sealing gasket, plastic parts and other components without any corrosion; green formulations, cleaning fluid can be discharged directly; 4, strong and efficient descaling effect can be monitored directly. Use, open the solar water heater intakes; solar descaler 1 bottle (300 g) was added to the water holding tank; 3, automatic thermal cycling for 20-30 minutes, full access to all parts of the detergents solution; 4, open the drain port, drain cleaning fluid; 5, the tank filled with water and then cycle for twenty minutes; 6 circulating water, draining, cleaning cleaning done. [Guarantee] food grade materials, no harm to the human body and solar. [Tips] 1, the solar water heater structure is different, adjusted using the method according to the instructions (recommended by professional repair person); 2, the water is heated to about 40 degrees descaling, the better; 3, severe scaling when the collector tube after the demolition of water, or increase the amount. 4, every three months, the solar water heater cleaning to ensure that solar energy is in good working condition, and more than twelve months without cleaning, increase the amount. [Note] If contact with the eyes, nose and other sensitive parts, please rinse with water. [After-sales service from the use of the product to the planning and operation of the franchisee operators program the professional service sector for the franchisee to service. According to the person in charge of the Ministry of Construction, the number of households in China has reached more than 350 million, and is increasing a rate of 13 million per year, with the national implementation of the activities of the "home appliances to the countryside", Galaxycore appliance cleaning appliances has really come into the township market demands the unusual people every rural home, appliances Galaxycore cleaning professional home cleaning from an annual ten billion expanded to hundreds of billions of market share! So, who is going to explore this huge potential market? There is no doubt that Who was the first to seize the market, who can dig Galaxycore to home appliances cleaning pot of gold. Zero initial fee to join the agency, for you and your friends for you and your friends to open the home appliance market cleaning ranks. Good product + market + novel business model = Success! Of Geke appliances cleaning supplies contain water dispenser cleaner, hood cleaning agents, air conditioning, cleaning agents, solar detergents, refrigerators disinfectants, washing machine slot cleaning agents a full range of home appliances cleaning products. The face of the great families, enterprises, schools, hospitals and other end-market demand. Small investment, risk, high return entrepreneurs preferred good project! The cooperation profit model: home cleaning + store sales stationed in residential property and long-term cooperation stationed the appliance stores long-term cooperation stationed supermarket long-term cooperation Galaxycore - China's most professional appliances cleaning experts, cleaning appliances to thirteen years of experience, to join hands in appliances cleaning all six items, and strength to create a new era of domestic cleaning the! Galaxycore with you together to create the appliance cleaning wealth myth! joining! - you first grab step to capture the market wealth ! wait! - you as the consumer, to see others make! million action cleaning appliances market, short-term back Lee staggering profits. Join Galaxycore, wealth far. Galaxycore willing to work with the National lofty ideals into the ranks of winners! The appliance cleaning items: a refrigerator in addition to taste, disinfection, air conditioning in addition to taste, cleaning, disinfection 3 Soymilk cleaning, Cleaner, disinfect 4, washing machines groove cleaning, sterilization, hood, microwave, cooker grease processing LCD screen LCD TV, computer, keyboard clear, coffee machine, water dispenser disinfection, cleaning, solar water heaters, descaling, disinfecting 9, flooring, leather cleaning (consult factory agent hotline :131-189-028) consult factory QQ: 2284997341 for this to work QQ plus Please specify the reason manufacturers project Contact: Xie Lijuan (sales) manufacturers Headquarters Address: Haikou efficient and Technological Development Zone A-16 zone manufacturers long-term help major companies tailored OEM, business website: http://geke0420.cn.b2b168.com/
Contact Detail
Company Name: Hainan MEGA Fine Chemical Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Xie Lijuan()
Telephone Number: 013118926028
Company Address: Haikou countries efficient and Technological Development Zone Area A-16, Haikou City, Hainan, China
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