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Supply steel sleeve steel buried steam pipe insulation price reduction

Supply steel sleeve steel buried steam pipe insulation price reduction
Supply steel sleeve steel buried steam pipe insulation price reduction
Supply steel sleeve steel buried steam pipe insulation price reduction

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Company:Song Xing, Hebei Yanshan Pipe Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Supply steel sleeve steel buried steam pipe insulation price reduction
Update Time:2012-11-22
Price Description: RMB/
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Steel sets steel composite pipe insulation is buried underground pipeline in a concrete structure can be buried underground, that the the work steel pipe thermal expansion of the outer tube, thereby reducing material costs and shorten the construction date, and to protect the security of the heating pipes, can be safer widely used in different temperature environments, especially suitable for high temperature steam pipeline project. Operating temperature up to 150 ° C to 450 ° C. Pipeline port is generally used in polyethylene film or three-layer PE cold tape sealed to prevent moisture or water before installation or construction into. Insulation material multilayer staggered joint bandage, effective in reducing heat loss, coat surface at the same time to take control measures to prevent the generation of cold bridges, so that the jacket anticorrosion coating temperature control is guaranteed. Dressing multilayer reflective layer of aluminum foil insulation materials, effective in reducing heat loss, so that the steam pipe is more economical and reasonable. The hydrophobic system adopts the form of a fully enclosed, flexible layout, reasonable structure, safe and reliable. Row tide on the steel casing pipe both timely discharge wet gas, but also as a day-to-day running of the alarm signal tube. Thermal compensation of pipeline quality bellows compensator and installed within the casing, made direct burial forms without setting the observation wells, construction convenient operation, short construction period. Suitable for conveying 2.5MPa, steam, or other medium below 350 degrees Celsius, and the steel pipe outer protective layer, has the advantages of high strength, not easy to damage, construction overhaul simple, long service life. Application of pipe insulation insulation steel pipe suitable for conveying in a variety of media within the range of -50 ℃ -150 ℃, it is widely used in central heating, cooling and hot oil transportation and Nuanshi, cold storage, coal, petroleum, chemical and other industries insulation cold project. The development status of the pipe insulation pipe insulation is the important factors affecting the energy-saving, pipe insulation Development and application of universal attention of more and more countries in the world. 1970s, foreign universal attention to the production and application of pipe insulation, and strive to significantly reduce energy consumption, thereby reducing the environmental pollution and the greenhouse effect. Abroad insulation industry has a long history, new insulation materials are constantly emerging. Prior to 1980, the development of China's pipe insulation is very slow, few plant can only produce a small amount of insulation buried underground pipe insulation, but the insulation industry after 30 years of effort, especially after nearly 10 years of rapid development, many products from scratch, from a single to a diverse, quality from low to high, more and more common. The polyurethane material is currently the most commonly used insulation materials. The rigid polyurethane has a lot of excellent performance, widely used in the field of thermal insulation in the United States and Europe. Europe and the United States and other developed countries, the insulation material in about 49% of the polyurethane material, while the proportion was less than 20% in China. Therefore, pipe insulation polyurethane material development in China, there is a lot of space. 2.2 insulation structure type selection medium temperature of the steam pipe insulation structure is not likely to do imaging directly buried hot water pipes as "Trinity", need to be made to "disengage" the steel pipe and the insulation layer or outer sheath should be adapted to local conditions disengaged. 2.2.1, foreign basic steel outer sheath, Germany, the United States outside the sliding type, ie bondage with steel sliding steel outer sheath of insulation materials. The only Italy Sark Som work pipe insulation layer slide within sliding (but they have not located within the sliding layer). Realistically speaking, abroad, for theoretical research and experimental steam Buried technical basis is not in-depth, just because of their country's economic conditions, technical conditions, such as location, fine manufacturing process, external anti-corrosion technology indicators stringent construction requirements, so the price is high . 2.2.2, our research and development of technology for the steam pipe directly buried, is muddling through, roughly divided into three phases in the process of groping insulation structure type. Outer sheath: the first stage: a plastic sleeve steel type, namely the outer sheath of a high density polyethylene engineering practice found that polyethylene poor temperature resistance, when the local heat flux leakage is likely to cause the outer sheath layer creep, swelling failure, polyethylene outer sheath does not apply to steam pipes, has become a consensus. The second stage: FRP do outer sheath temperature capability is much stronger than polyethylene processing is wrapped around flexible to do protective layer polyethylene pipe needs to wear a tube comparison, can be overcome eccentric, quality assurance. Fiberglass manufacturing process mechanism understanding through a shabby way, at the same time, the glass fiber reinforced plastic outer sheath standard was not promulgated. Low-quality manufacture fiberglass outer sheath illegal operations, transportation, installation process, a partial cracking damage, has shaken confidence in the use of glass outer sheath. Third stage: modeled on foreign steel outer sheath, the type of steel trench. National conditions, fully modeled abroad, using the unit of economic unbearable, manufacturing companies can only be engaged in simple, but it's "advantage" in the first two years, three years is not easy to find the problem, a run cycle favorable manufacturer warranty, so recent This type is more "fire." However, the establishment of the development, use units should calmly consider the consequences for the future problems, such as corrosion, electrochemical, maintenance and other issues. On this issue is also discussed in detail. Insulation layer:
Contact Detail
Company Name: Song Xing, Hebei Yanshan Pipe Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Yan Xiao Yang(Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 0317-3069998
Company Address: Development Zone, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province 10 Golden Avenue, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 061300
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