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!!! Supply Tieli City waste machine aluminum crushers sales

!!! Supply Tieli City waste machine aluminum crushers sales
!!! Supply Tieli City waste machine aluminum crushers sales
!!! Supply Tieli City waste machine aluminum crushers sales

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Company:Sport shop Star Machinery Plant
Information Name: !!! Supply Tieli City waste machine aluminum crushers sales
Update Time:2012-07-21
Price Description: RMB/
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Star bicycle crusher lead broken the engineering industry 
 Star bicycle crusher lead broken the engineering industry 
 Star bike crusher there are too many brilliant, many legends and a lot of struggle, of course, there are too many hard, too many ups and downs, let us quietly touched in my heart. Star bike crusher has experienced for many years in the history of the Long March, saying the length is not long, of course, say short not short, Starlight carries sustenance and hope of crushing engineering industry. 
 Over the years the Star has been leading the Chinese metal crusher, cans crusher, crusher bicycle, broken steel tile machine construction machinery industry, witnessed Chinese metal crusher, crusher bicycle, cans crushing machine construction machinery industry in a daily growth and grow. The Starlight whether from product sales or after-sales service, and recycling of waste products manufacturing; every product, every aspect of Star always adhere to an eternal commitment - integrity. Star act in good faith to do the integrity of people. Regardless of the Stars is in the manufacturing and processing, R & D, Star always uphold the integrity. It is this simple word, Star insisted for many years, it has been deeply implanted in the blood of each person in our Star, I believe the Stars will describe the greater glory. Just as we believe that China towards prosperity. 
 Star specializing in the production of: metal crusher, crusher cans, paint bucket crusher, crusher bicycle, refrigerator crushers, steel tile crusher, scrap bike crushers, briquette crusher large broken equipment. Star metal crusher and various broken in real hot sales ..... seize the time to order it! 
 Metal crusher Introduction: Sport shop the starlight metal crusher control of the microcomputer (PC) automatically set to start, repose, reverse and overload automatic reverse control with low-speed, high torque, low noise characteristics, metal crusher is suitable for tear crushed large hard pieces, thick materials, such as: TV, washing machine, refrigerator case, the medium-sized pipe, fittings, forklift pallets, tires, drums and so on. 

 Star metal crusher to pay attention to the matter: the momentum thickness of the metal crusher crusher to 40mm, also 15mm, 20mm according to the object broken particle size to select the cutter body. Broken motorized knife to the metal single-claw cutter body For claw cutter body and claw cutter body with the business unit. The Henan Gongyi Kang shop Starlight machinery is mainly engaged in the new environmentally friendly briquette crusher, metal crusher a variety of large-scale crusher produced professional line of equipment, crushing equipment configuration, metal crusher manufacturers, briquette crushing machine equipment prices produced enterprise model function of the Hong shop Star Crusher products that range, and excellent quality. Stars mechanical continuous improvement based on user requests to improve. Star people stood on the top of the crusher development of the industry, will provide customers with better quality, more advanced products and efforts. 

 The professional produced a metal crusher manufacturers, to understand the large metal crusher and crusher of large metal prices to find the professional manufacturer of Henan Star Heavy Machinery Plant. 

 Address: Gongyi City, Henan Province, Kang Dian Iloilo, South Industrial Zone 
 Crusher website: www.xgpsj.com 
 Sales Tel: 15,838,195,999 13,503,999,526 Jiaojing Li
Contact Detail
Company Name: Sport shop Star Machinery Plant
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Mr. Liu(Sell)
Telephone Number: 15038377720
Company Address: Kang Dian Iloilo Road Industrial Area, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China
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