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Suzhou Desi Sen Electronics Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Desi Sen Electronics Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Desi Sen Electronics Co., Ltd. specializes in non-destructive testing technique, the series of eddy current flaw detector, sorter, ultrasonic flaw detector, magnetic detectors, X-ray detector, penetration testing and the various tubes of stainless steel pipe, brass, etc. metal parts, axle pin rings and other metal parts of the automatic rod testing system equipment research and production. Providing customers with a complete testing methods and processes of product quality to meet the user to quickly improve the quality of the full detection requirements. Our products are widely used in electricity, nuclear power, aerospace, military industry, metallurgy, machinery manufacturing. In recent years, the results continue, the first in the country to launch multi-purpose intelligent edd.. (more>>)
Main Products: Destructive flaw detector, ultrasonic flaw detector, remote field eddy current flaw detectors, magnetic detectors
Main Market: Nationwide
Contact Detail
Company Name: Suzhou Desi Sen Electronics Co., Ltd.
Employee Number: 11 - 50 persons
Annual export: 10,0000,000 - 50,000,000 CNY
Year Established: 2009
Contact Person: Mr. Account manager(Manager)
Telephone Number: 0512-87661300
Company Address: Suzhou Wuzhong Economic Development Zone, 112 South Spring Street South Road, Suzhou , Jiangsu Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 215000
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