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Buying Tip

Buying Tip
Buying Tip
Buying Tip
Larger photo of automa dispenser

Information Name: Buying Tip
Update Time: 2010-01-04
Validity: 180
Price Description:
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About one condition. Use flux cored wire, current 300A or so, diameter 1.2mm, 1.4mm2. 10 hours a day, mainly vertical welding 3. Tangshan Matsushita CO2 welding machine with quality requirements 1. In the above conditions , tip and service life of more than 60 hours .2. quotation please specify - 1> Tip of the material (chemical composition weight percentage) 2> weight and the upper and lower deviation of 3> total length of the upper and lower deviation 4> the hole size and the upper and lower deviation 5> 6 surface roughness of the hole> material hardness 8> Surface treatment 9> other 3. a letter of intent sent to the online message or mailbox
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