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Information Name: Buy refractory
Update Time: 2010-03-15
Validity: 30
Price Description:
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REFRACTORY MORTARS Trade markMax operation temperature (℃) AL2O3 (%) SIO2 (%) Fe203 (%) SettingGrain size (mm) Mixing water (L/100kg) HB40147045-50453.1Ceramic <0.7515-20 SI M16501.4597.50.45Hydraulic0-0.530 PERSSED REFRACTORIES-FIRECLAY BRICKSTrade markAL2O3 (%) SIO2 (%) Fe203 (%) Bulk density (kg/dm3) Apparent porosity (%) Cold crushing strevgth (N/mm2) Refr.ness under load (℃) Seger coneReversible thermal expansion% ( ℃) Thermal conductivity W / m ° K400 ℃ 700 ℃ 1000 ℃ SG 4038-4056-581.9-2.12.0-2.117-19 ≥ 40 ≥ 1400300.55 (1000) 4242-4449-511.9-2.12.15-2.2518 -20 ≥ 40 ≥ 1420330.55 (1000) there are several good refractory material, zirconia brick need to purchase, please contact the manufacturer and me!
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