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Stick pack Cleaner, Cleaner good crust, with less efficient Cleaner, preferred Jin Rui

Stick pack Cleaner, Cleaner good crust, with less efficient Cleaner, preferred Jin Rui
Stick pack Cleaner, Cleaner good crust, with less efficient Cleaner, preferred Jin Rui
Stick pack Cleaner, Cleaner good crust, with less efficient Cleaner, preferred Jin Rui
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Information Name: Stick pack Cleaner, Cleaner good crust, with less efficient Cleaner, preferred Jin Rui
Update Time: 2015-04-24
Validity: 30
Specifications: 30-50 mesh
Quantity: 1
Price Description: 2000
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Quality and efficient Cleaner Features Handan City Gold Casting Material Co., Ltd. sharp as follows; First, the product performance: The product is solid irregular particles. Efficient Cleaner, set slag removal of liquid steel and steel liquid oxygen impurities inside and carburizing material impurities, reducing steel casting porosity and other defects. Molten steel surface plastic shell, blocking temperature, radiation-blocking disposable workers Bachu easy. Second, the product uses: This product is mainly used for efficient steel slag and other foundry industry, set slag, oxygen, reducing casting porosity, purify molten product features: 1, mainly for steel casting foundry industry and other high-efficiency Cleaner, set slag, oxygen, reducing steel casting pores, purify molten steel. The product of the infiltration metal pollution, can reduce oxygen and removal of steel castings in the pores. Due to the high temperatures encountered in the formation of the product casing, forming particles between the housing and the particles after the most closely connected to sporadic chunks of impurities and contaminants gathered in the case above, Cleaner, Cleaner due its physical shell formed by the reaction, molten steel inside the carburizing species can adsorb impurities into the casing above Cleaner formed, so to achieve the best results slag 2, the product of metal pollution infiltration avoid casting surface to form a hard point, to prevent the cutting knife fight, improve machining performance with less use per ton of molten slag agent about two kilograms (may be appropriate to increase or decrease the dosage according to the size of the exposed surface) Cleaner rate of 100% incubated for 10 minutes; this product into France with better results. Fourth, the use of and precautions: 1, this product is limited to steel and heat-resistant steel slag, etc., set slag, oxygen. 2, this product must pay attention to moisture, in the absence of packaging Cleaner should not prolonged exposure to air. 3, preferably into the law to use this product, into the law to use this product more than the surface of the use of packaging; 25 kg bag double
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