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Emergency Buy RVV, RVVP, SYV75-5, video cable, power cord

Emergency Buy RVV, RVVP, SYV75-5, video cable, power cord
Emergency Buy RVV, RVVP, SYV75-5, video cable, power cord
Emergency Buy RVV, RVVP, SYV75-5, video cable, power cord
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Information Name: Emergency Buy RVV, RVVP, SYV75-5, video cable, power cord
Update Time: 2011-09-20
Validity: 2
Price Description:
Inquire Now
Price Description: 1.50 yuan purchase quantity: 300000 Packing: Product Size: 
 The company now requires a lot of wire wholesale, requires: good quality, affordable. (Non-manufacturers do not interfere) 

 Buying power cord RVV2 * 1.0 10 万米 
 Shield RVVP2.10 10 万米 
 Video cable SYV75-5 10 万米 

 Also a large variety of specifications of the power cord, shielded cable, video cable, please call to discuss manufacturers, non-manufacturers do not interfere! 

 The company needs RVV, RVVP, SYV75-5, required quality assurance, welcome to negotiate.
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