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Buy bucket elevator

Buy bucket elevator
Buy bucket elevator
Buy bucket elevator
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Information Name: Buy bucket elevator
Update Time: 2011-10-15
Validity: 8
Price Description:
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Price: Negotiable Purchase Quantity: Packing: Product Size: 
 The bucket elevator company's needs, requirements of quality assurance, welcome to discuss gauge output (m3 / h) away from the bucket (mm) Spindle speed (r / min) feed Liaoduo (mm) lifting height (m) equipped with power (kw) HL-215 15 500 70 <30 5-20 Y3-11-4 HL-300 28 500 42 <40 5-30 Y4-15-4 HL-400 40 600 42 <50 5-50 Y4-15- 4.
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